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Professional Dress Seminars for Hotels

Well-groomed employees�whether uniformed or not�project a sense of confidence to the public they serve, and in the hospitality industry, add to the overall credibility of the property they represent.

professional dress seminar - hotelsIn the hospitality industry, encounters are brief and lasting; therefore, first impressions are critical. Your employees are the ambassadors for your organization, and frequently, it is the appearance and behavior of  your associates which make the most lasting impression and continuous satisfaction on the guest.

Image Resource Group develops customized professional dress seminars for your organization's team, including executives, managers, front line employees and support staff. Our unique programs are content intensive, highly interactive and specifically tailored to the hospitality industry and to your organization's needs and dress code.  We offer:

  • Professional dress seminars for managers and non-uniformed employees
  • Professional  dress seminars for  uniformed employees

Professional Dress Seminar for  Managers and Non-Uniformed Employees

This informative and interactive session deals with the importance of personal appearance in hospitality. It is designed to help participants look competent, credible, approachable, and to present themselves with  confidence to clients, guests, and colleagues. Through the session participants will discover how to use their appearance for self-expression and as a powerful communication tool.

It includes  international guidelines for appropriate business dress  in the hospitality industry and your organization�s dress policy.  It is structured for an audience of both men and women. 

The seminar outline is flexible and customized to your organization and group needs. It may include topics such as: the impact of first impressions in hospitality, clothing symbols and  perceptions,  the use of color  to build credibility  and trust. How to choose the right colors, styles, fabrics for  main pieces for business. The appropriate fit, accessories, grooming, hair, makeup for women, and how to build a business wardrobe on a budget,  etc

This is a highly visual demonstration, which includes audience participation.  Slides and audiovisual materials will reinforce the information. The seminar increases guest confidence by improving your managers' and non-uniformed employees' first impression, and provide consistent business attire throughout the hotel. Your managers will learn to save money and time on personal and professional grooming.

"The program was a real success. Our managers are putting in practice the information learned during the sessions. . ..".
 - Richmond Marriott

"The unique and professional style in which you conducted the Professional Dress sessions for our cast members has been a great asset in keeping the Disney Magic at our hotel"

- Disney Grand Floridian Hotel& Resort


Professional Dress for Uniformed Employees  

In he hospitality industry,  uniformed employees send a clear message to a guest:  I'm here to serve you.  Wearing the uniform with pride, enhances the image of the person wearing the uniform, and the image that the company wants to convey to their customers.

This  Professional Dress Seminar  is tailored to uniformed employees with direct /or indirect guest contact. It includes the critical role that uniformed employee plays  in the organization. How to make a good, lasting impression on everyone you meet: guests, customers, and co-workers. The importance of impeccable grooming and professionalism in building effective relationships and how to wear your uniform with class.

The seminar outline is flexible and customized to your organization's needs and dress policy guidelines.  It may include topics such as: the impact of first impressions in hospitality, how to dress appropriately for your organization and your position, hot to be well-dressed in your uniform from head to toe, proper fit, grooming,  appropriate jewelry, shoes, socks,  and other accessories.

One of the most frequent feedback we receive from our  hotel clients on our seminar is that "managers save time in dealing with employees' grooming issues"

"The very next day after the session, I noticed everyone who attended your seminar comparing each other's attire as well as their own. . . "
- Springfield Hilton

"The feedback from our line employees who participated in the seminar has been very positive and their managers can see and hear the results. . .. "
- Hyatt Regency Crystal City



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